======================================================= HP: SDUX Permisison denied ======================================================= :Title: HP: SDUX Permisison denied :Author: Douglas O'Leary :Description: HP: SDUX Permisison denied :Date created: 06/24/2009 :Date updated: 06/24/2009 :Disclaimer: Standard: Use the information that follows at your own risk. If you screw up a system, don't blame it on me... This was an intriguing one. Initially got the call because the OVO people weren't able to get their software upgraded. They were getting permission denied. When I looked at the depot and tried to register it, I was too. In an attempt to find out if it was their depot or swagentd, I copied over a small depot and tried to register that:: # swreg -l depot /var/adm/crash/mpack-1.6-ia64-11.23.depot ======= 06/24/09 08:44:35 EDT BEGIN swreg SESSION (non-interactive) * Session started for user "root@myhost". * Beginning Selection * Targets: myhost * Objects: /var/adm/crash/mpack-1.6-ia64-11.23.depot ERROR: "myhost:/var/adm/crash/mpack-1.6-ia64-11.23.depot": You do not have the required permissions to perform this operation. Check permissions using the "swacl" command or see your system administrator for assistance. Or, to manage applications designed and packaged for nonprivileged mode, see the "run_as_superuser" option in the "sd" man page. ERROR: More information may be found in the daemon logfile on this target (default location is myhost:/var/adm/sw/swagentd.log). * Selection had errors. ======= 06/24/09 08:44:35 EDT END swreg SESSION (non-interactive) OK: Not the depot. I tell people this is invariablly a host name resolution issue. I check /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts, /etc/nsswitch.conf; all good. To nail it down to the host name resolution, I try to install lsof (another small depot) from our ignite server. That works. Hrrr?? So, not a hostname resolution issue. :: tail /var/adm/sw/swagentd.log ERROR: Access denied to root@myhost.myco.com to register soc. No (i)nsert permission on host. 06/24/09 08:06:45 EDT ERROR: Access denied to root@myhost.myco.com to register soc. No (i)nsert permission on host. 06/24/09 08:44:35 EDT Those are new errors... I check itrc and, after a minor bit of searching, I find the following procedure:: /sbin/init.d/swagent stop # make sure it's dead. mv /var/adm/sw/security /var/adm/sw/security.orig cp -rp /usr/newconfig/var/adm/sw/security /var/adm/sw /sbin/init.d/swagent start Once done, lo and behold, swreg, swinstall, and their ilk work just fine.