E10K: Dynamic Reconfiguration Process


E10K: Dynamic Reconfiguration Process


Douglas O’Leary <dkoleary@olearycomputers.com>


E10K: Dynamic Reconfiguration Process

Date created:


Date updated:



Standard: Use the information that follows at your own risk. If you screw up a system, don’t blame it on me…

To attach a board to a domain:

  1. domain_switch to the appropriate domain

  2. Execute drshell by entering dr

  3. init_attach ${board}

  4. complete_attach ${board}

  5. reconfig

To detach a board from a domain:

  1. domain_switch to the appropriate domain

  2. drain ${board} If the drain fails, check the following:

    1. Turn off netbackup: /etc/init.d/netbackup stop

    2. Remove the sg driver from the modules by executing:

      modinfo | grep sg # Note the module number.
      modunload ${mod_number}
    3. Remove the scsi tape driver from the modules by executing:

      modinfo | grep st # Note the module number.
      modunload ${mod_number}
    4. If drain is still failing, execute drshow unsafe and troubleshoot any remaining unsafe drivers

3 complete_detach ${board} 4. `` reconfig``